Now, here is a good place to start... When you were a little child did your mother ever say to you, "Sweetheart, there's not going to be enough Energy Flow?" Didn't come up, did it?
In other words, you haven't learned negative thoughts relative to Energy Flow.
You have learned negative vibrational offerings relative to money. But you have not learned them relative to Energy flow.
So what you're wanting to do is take money out of the equation. Because it's in such a lackful place that putting it in the equation just sort of messes everything up. So take money out of the equation and instead, acknowledge that you have access to a bank account of INFINITE ENERGY FLOW.
Now this Energy Flow will buy you things money won't.
It will buy you wellness
It will buy you exhilaration
It will bring you good experiences
It will bring you relationships
It will bring you fulfillment
It will bring you money, too
It is a Source through which all things and from which all things come.
Pure positive Energy and it streams forth in abundance. And you've got a Gold Card to this account.
The only thing you have to do to access this account with an endless balance is 2 things.
You have to identify an object of attention to which you will flow it. In other words, if you don't use it, it won't come to you. So you have to continually open avenues to which you will flow it by identifying, "I want this, I want this, I want this, I want this".
..And you have to FEEL GOOD when you identify the outlet. As you open that avenue, as you identify that object of attention and you FEEL the positive Energy flowing toward it - now the Energy is flowing...
And we promise you, doors will open that will bring you that. Sometimes the door will be a monetary door, sometimes it will not be. But that does not matter.
Once you've identified it and found the feeling place, it must come to you. It defies the Law of Attraction for it not to come.
Taken from Abraham Hicks San Francisco, CA 2/26/94
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
"How can I shorten the time between conscious acknowledgment of what I want and physical manifestation of it? What techniques or things could I offer that would help me to achieve a feeling place that would get more done faster?" Well, there are a few ways you can go about it. If you can recognize that it’s a matter of weight and balance. In other words, “Am I thinking more about what I do want and why I want it, or am I thinking more about what I don’t want and why I don’t want it?” In other words, “Where are my thoughts more often?”
So, through affirmations or through carrying some little pictures in your pocket or through creating a book of positive aspects or through getting around people that are already positively oriented: “I can increase my positive thoughts and decrease my negative thoughts.” In other words, that’s one way of going about it, just by sheer numbers! I can carry a little watch in my pocket that goes off every 15 minutes, and when I hear it, I can stop and say, “Hmm, what do I want and why do I want it?” [You] can sort of consciously begin to develop some new habits. That’s a process that could work very well for you. “I could make a decision that nothing is more important than that I feel good, and then I could trust that my Guidance System would alert me in every moment, to how I’m flowing.” Now, that is really the clearest, simplest way, by just identifying that you want to feel good, which is to say, “I want the pure Energy to flow through me,” which is to say, “I want to notice when it isn’t, because I know what to do when I notice. I just want to notice.”
So, by stating: “I want to feel good,” that amplifies your awareness of where you are vibrating, and that, above all things, is what we would recommend for most of you. In other words, being more sensitive in more moments about how you actually are vibrating, and not hiding behind a smile or hiding behind words and saying, “I feel secure,” when you don’t, or saying, “I’m happy,” when you’re not. In other words, acknowledging truly how you feel and acknowledging what you prefer and working on finding that true feeling place.
One more thing we would like to interject here. All of you are working much too hard at all of this. If you will stop making it an intellectual process and let it be a feeling process, ease will sweep over you almost instantly.
You have done enough wanting to keep yourselves busy for 20 or 30 lifetimes. You have identified enough objects of attention that, we promise you, in the moment you achieve vibrational harmony with who you really are, events will begin to surface that will satisfy you in enough proportion to knock your socks off. In other words, there’s no shortage of wanting, here. What there is a shortage of is vibrationally allowing what you want, because somebody, somewhere along the line, has convinced you that if it’s going to be worthwhile it’s gonna be hard! And we promise you: that belief is what stands in your way more than all other things put together! You can’t quite accept that it’s as easy as Abraham says it is.
So we offer a fun encouragement. You might take it as a sort of assignment or even a challenge! We would encourage, you over the next few days, to decide that you’re going to put yourself on a sort of hiatus from the normal stuff you’ve been doing, and make a decision that you’re going to amplify finding the feeling place, and whether you get anything physically done or not is really not very important. Oh, go through the motions of it! In other words, if they expect you at work, show up. Most of that stuff you could do with your eyes closed, anyway. In other words, most of what you’re doing does not require much conscious attention. Treat your work like you do your driving, because most of you go through the motions of driving, but you’re not giving it your full attention or even anything close to it. You see what we’re getting at? There are a lot of aspects of your day that you can amplify this sense of finding the feeling place. And let the day, as it unfolds, be your workshop.
Let somebody come up to you and say something rude, and feel it sort of knock you off your balance for a moment, and feel yourself wanting to spit something back that makes them feel as bad — but recognizing, “That’s not who I am,” as you find your stance of virtue. And then, feel yourself blaming them because they should know better, for just a moment, and then, in all of that negative emotion, say, “Aah, this is good. My Guidance System is working. I can feel, that right now, with their help, I am looking right at what I don’t want. I’m seeing another example of man’s inhumanity to man, or I’m seeing another example of somebody who wants to be connected, who isn’t, or I’m seeing another example of somebody who means well, who just doesn’t know how to go about it.” In other words, find the feeling place and discover that if you will give the other guy the benefit of the doubt by not tensing against him, but instead say, “I wonder who kicked him that’s making him want to kick me? I guess I WON’T join this chain-of-pain.” And look back at him with sort of an understanding and even an appreciation, rather than a resistance. You will see, even in your first encounter, a different look come back to you! Because when somebody comes after you with some sort of negative Energy flow, and you don’t meet it with yours, which causes it to go somewhere, if they come after you and you just relax into your Well-being, their negative Energy doesn’t have anyplace to go, and they’re sort of left there with their mouth hanging open. It’s sort of like pushing against a wall that isn’t there. It will cause them to stand back and rethink, you see. And you will begin your first conscious, deliberate making of this world a better place, not because it needs it, because at every level, you know that it already is it, you see.
Is this making some sense to you?
As you let your day be your workshop, get out there in the traffic and, as you see it clogged and jammed, and you feel the disconnection of it, see that you might be able to do something about that. So tonight, while you’re bogged down in traffic, envision tomorrow… finding a new route…envision finding a route that is free…envision traffic flowing…envision lights changing…envision officers assisting…envision people yielding…envision you in traffic flowing…not understanding WHY but, sort of taking delight that the seas are parting for you! And, as you utilize your first negative moment and you shift it into a place of feeling good, the first thing that will happen is that you won’t be feeling so much negative emotion right now [even] while you’re in the traffic jam! Even though you should be feeling negative emotion, by all standards, you won’t be feeling negative emotion. And so, as you find that feeling place, you’ve eased the way you feel about the traffic. Even though it’s slow, and even though you’d like to be home, now’s not so bad. In other words, “I actually have a few moments that I can think. I can actually use this as an opportunity to create.” You might even find yourself looking for traffic jams because it gives you an excuse to think, you see! You find yourself relaxing into whatever is happening, while you are improving what will happen tomorrow, and then, this is the part we look forward to the most: there is nothing more exhilarating for us than to watch you consciously living the physical manifestation of what you deliberately conjured yesterday.
When we see you making the connection and living the improvement, which confirms to you that the Energy flowing that you offered did, indeed, do what we said it would do and did, indeed, empower you the way you wanted it to and did, indeed, improve life in the way you meant for it to and - even more importantly - you realize that in the moment of doing it, you are already there, then you’ve captured the spirit of joyful becoming! And then, never again will you be in the place of yearning for something you can’t have. You will only be salivating for that which is sure to come.
The word ‘hope’ feels good, doesn’t it? The word ‘adventure’ feels good, doesn’t it? The feeling, ‘fulfilling my dream’, ‘satisfying experience’, ‘living happily ever after’, ‘making the world a better place’, ‘feeling happy in the moment’…what does the word ‘laughter’ make you feel?
“Oh, it was so funny I could not stop laughing.” “I laughed and laughed until tears washed away my eyelashes.” “That was the funniest thing I ever saw.” “The combination of knowing what I know and seeing that, evoked such humor from me that every time I think about it I still laugh.” “It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.” “Took my breath away.” “Every time I think about it I go right back to that same feeling place.” “It was the cutest little dog I have ever seen! He licked my face. I can still feel him up against my face.” “I picked up that baby and my heart melted. It was as if we were one.” “I remember our first kiss…fireworks!” “I love this bed. I love this feeling of Well-being! I love my pillow.” “I love my car.” “Post office is amazing, isn’t it? You can take a piece of paper and lick a little stamp and somebody will go to the trouble of taking your message to someone else.” “Computers are amazing.” “Electricity flows.” “Prosperity abounds.” “Commerce is thriving.” “People’s wanting is heightened.” “More people opening to more Energy.” “Abundance abounding!” “I don’t have to lay awake in bed at night and keep my blood flowing.” “I am tended to at such a spectacular, intense, deliberate, particular, poignant, positive level!” “The earth spins in its orbit in perfect proximity to other planets.” “The water content remains perfect upon our planet.” “The oxygen remains perfect for us to breathe.” “The plants continue to regenerate.” “Food upon this planet is a sure thing.” “Well-being truly does abound, doesn’t it?”
And, as you begin to poignantly choose those thoughts first, your point of attraction will preclude anything other than wonderful things. You will literally achieve vibrational immunity to what you don’t want and vibrational harmony with what you do want. And in doing so, you are your Inner Being. You know who your Inner Being is, on a very conscious, clear, tangible feeling, knowing, sensing, smelling, snorting level.
Have fun with all of this!
Taken from Abraham Hicks Los Angeles, CA 03-12/13-94
So, through affirmations or through carrying some little pictures in your pocket or through creating a book of positive aspects or through getting around people that are already positively oriented: “I can increase my positive thoughts and decrease my negative thoughts.” In other words, that’s one way of going about it, just by sheer numbers! I can carry a little watch in my pocket that goes off every 15 minutes, and when I hear it, I can stop and say, “Hmm, what do I want and why do I want it?” [You] can sort of consciously begin to develop some new habits. That’s a process that could work very well for you. “I could make a decision that nothing is more important than that I feel good, and then I could trust that my Guidance System would alert me in every moment, to how I’m flowing.” Now, that is really the clearest, simplest way, by just identifying that you want to feel good, which is to say, “I want the pure Energy to flow through me,” which is to say, “I want to notice when it isn’t, because I know what to do when I notice. I just want to notice.”
So, by stating: “I want to feel good,” that amplifies your awareness of where you are vibrating, and that, above all things, is what we would recommend for most of you. In other words, being more sensitive in more moments about how you actually are vibrating, and not hiding behind a smile or hiding behind words and saying, “I feel secure,” when you don’t, or saying, “I’m happy,” when you’re not. In other words, acknowledging truly how you feel and acknowledging what you prefer and working on finding that true feeling place.
One more thing we would like to interject here. All of you are working much too hard at all of this. If you will stop making it an intellectual process and let it be a feeling process, ease will sweep over you almost instantly.
You have done enough wanting to keep yourselves busy for 20 or 30 lifetimes. You have identified enough objects of attention that, we promise you, in the moment you achieve vibrational harmony with who you really are, events will begin to surface that will satisfy you in enough proportion to knock your socks off. In other words, there’s no shortage of wanting, here. What there is a shortage of is vibrationally allowing what you want, because somebody, somewhere along the line, has convinced you that if it’s going to be worthwhile it’s gonna be hard! And we promise you: that belief is what stands in your way more than all other things put together! You can’t quite accept that it’s as easy as Abraham says it is.
So we offer a fun encouragement. You might take it as a sort of assignment or even a challenge! We would encourage, you over the next few days, to decide that you’re going to put yourself on a sort of hiatus from the normal stuff you’ve been doing, and make a decision that you’re going to amplify finding the feeling place, and whether you get anything physically done or not is really not very important. Oh, go through the motions of it! In other words, if they expect you at work, show up. Most of that stuff you could do with your eyes closed, anyway. In other words, most of what you’re doing does not require much conscious attention. Treat your work like you do your driving, because most of you go through the motions of driving, but you’re not giving it your full attention or even anything close to it. You see what we’re getting at? There are a lot of aspects of your day that you can amplify this sense of finding the feeling place. And let the day, as it unfolds, be your workshop.
Let somebody come up to you and say something rude, and feel it sort of knock you off your balance for a moment, and feel yourself wanting to spit something back that makes them feel as bad — but recognizing, “That’s not who I am,” as you find your stance of virtue. And then, feel yourself blaming them because they should know better, for just a moment, and then, in all of that negative emotion, say, “Aah, this is good. My Guidance System is working. I can feel, that right now, with their help, I am looking right at what I don’t want. I’m seeing another example of man’s inhumanity to man, or I’m seeing another example of somebody who wants to be connected, who isn’t, or I’m seeing another example of somebody who means well, who just doesn’t know how to go about it.” In other words, find the feeling place and discover that if you will give the other guy the benefit of the doubt by not tensing against him, but instead say, “I wonder who kicked him that’s making him want to kick me? I guess I WON’T join this chain-of-pain.” And look back at him with sort of an understanding and even an appreciation, rather than a resistance. You will see, even in your first encounter, a different look come back to you! Because when somebody comes after you with some sort of negative Energy flow, and you don’t meet it with yours, which causes it to go somewhere, if they come after you and you just relax into your Well-being, their negative Energy doesn’t have anyplace to go, and they’re sort of left there with their mouth hanging open. It’s sort of like pushing against a wall that isn’t there. It will cause them to stand back and rethink, you see. And you will begin your first conscious, deliberate making of this world a better place, not because it needs it, because at every level, you know that it already is it, you see.
Is this making some sense to you?
As you let your day be your workshop, get out there in the traffic and, as you see it clogged and jammed, and you feel the disconnection of it, see that you might be able to do something about that. So tonight, while you’re bogged down in traffic, envision tomorrow… finding a new route…envision finding a route that is free…envision traffic flowing…envision lights changing…envision officers assisting…envision people yielding…envision you in traffic flowing…not understanding WHY but, sort of taking delight that the seas are parting for you! And, as you utilize your first negative moment and you shift it into a place of feeling good, the first thing that will happen is that you won’t be feeling so much negative emotion right now [even] while you’re in the traffic jam! Even though you should be feeling negative emotion, by all standards, you won’t be feeling negative emotion. And so, as you find that feeling place, you’ve eased the way you feel about the traffic. Even though it’s slow, and even though you’d like to be home, now’s not so bad. In other words, “I actually have a few moments that I can think. I can actually use this as an opportunity to create.” You might even find yourself looking for traffic jams because it gives you an excuse to think, you see! You find yourself relaxing into whatever is happening, while you are improving what will happen tomorrow, and then, this is the part we look forward to the most: there is nothing more exhilarating for us than to watch you consciously living the physical manifestation of what you deliberately conjured yesterday.
When we see you making the connection and living the improvement, which confirms to you that the Energy flowing that you offered did, indeed, do what we said it would do and did, indeed, empower you the way you wanted it to and did, indeed, improve life in the way you meant for it to and - even more importantly - you realize that in the moment of doing it, you are already there, then you’ve captured the spirit of joyful becoming! And then, never again will you be in the place of yearning for something you can’t have. You will only be salivating for that which is sure to come.
The word ‘hope’ feels good, doesn’t it? The word ‘adventure’ feels good, doesn’t it? The feeling, ‘fulfilling my dream’, ‘satisfying experience’, ‘living happily ever after’, ‘making the world a better place’, ‘feeling happy in the moment’…what does the word ‘laughter’ make you feel?
“Oh, it was so funny I could not stop laughing.” “I laughed and laughed until tears washed away my eyelashes.” “That was the funniest thing I ever saw.” “The combination of knowing what I know and seeing that, evoked such humor from me that every time I think about it I still laugh.” “It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.” “Took my breath away.” “Every time I think about it I go right back to that same feeling place.” “It was the cutest little dog I have ever seen! He licked my face. I can still feel him up against my face.” “I picked up that baby and my heart melted. It was as if we were one.” “I remember our first kiss…fireworks!” “I love this bed. I love this feeling of Well-being! I love my pillow.” “I love my car.” “Post office is amazing, isn’t it? You can take a piece of paper and lick a little stamp and somebody will go to the trouble of taking your message to someone else.” “Computers are amazing.” “Electricity flows.” “Prosperity abounds.” “Commerce is thriving.” “People’s wanting is heightened.” “More people opening to more Energy.” “Abundance abounding!” “I don’t have to lay awake in bed at night and keep my blood flowing.” “I am tended to at such a spectacular, intense, deliberate, particular, poignant, positive level!” “The earth spins in its orbit in perfect proximity to other planets.” “The water content remains perfect upon our planet.” “The oxygen remains perfect for us to breathe.” “The plants continue to regenerate.” “Food upon this planet is a sure thing.” “Well-being truly does abound, doesn’t it?”
And, as you begin to poignantly choose those thoughts first, your point of attraction will preclude anything other than wonderful things. You will literally achieve vibrational immunity to what you don’t want and vibrational harmony with what you do want. And in doing so, you are your Inner Being. You know who your Inner Being is, on a very conscious, clear, tangible feeling, knowing, sensing, smelling, snorting level.
Have fun with all of this!
Taken from Abraham Hicks Los Angeles, CA 03-12/13-94
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
When we talk about Source energy (Some refer it as Soul) we are talking about that high vibrational frequency of purity that does not contain the resistance that you can find along your physical trail. Source is expanding from what you are living. Source is not a static state of being that achieved perfection and now is working with you to bring you up to speed with it. Source is expanding in its perfection through those like you. The contrast you experience allows you to become more, and then its your work to get up to speed with that. Source sees you and only feels appreciation for that which you are, regardless of the condition that you are living because Source is so practiced in this condition of well- being, that the condition you are currently living does not dissuade it from its knowledge of well-being.
Unconditional love is staying in the vibration of Source, regardless of the condition. Conditional love says “ I want to feel good. When I see this I do, when I see that I don’t, so in order for me to feel better, the condition has to change.” Unconditional love says “ I am Source. I am Love, regardless of the conditions. That’s why man translates that to say that God is Love or God loves all. You are all reaching for Unconditional love. You want to be tuned in , tapped in, turned on to who you are and living in this world. It’s the best of everything. To be in this world, mixing it up, getting new ideas, coming into alignment with it. The only freedom you will ever find is the freedom from the bondage of resistance. What resistance is , is not allowing yourself to be who you really are. All pain and suffering is about diverging from who you really are. All joy and alignment is about coming into frequency with who you really are. Love is the absence of resistance. Love is vibrational alignment with that which is Source. Unconditional love is vibrational alignment with Source, even when there is something that I don’t want happening. I am so aware of the permeating well-being of this Universe that even in death, you come back into full vibrational alignment. The worst thing that can ever happen to anyone is that they get out of range of Source, so they can’t feel Source, but that doesn’t mean that Source ceases beaming, it always is, it means they are on a frequency where they can’t see it or feel it.
“What words can you offer us, to allow us to put how we feel above what others are thinking or doing in relation to us?”
I love you so much I don’t care what you think.
Think about what that is saying. I so care about being in vibrational alignment with who I am. If I am in vibrational alignment with who I am, then I have love to give. If I am catering to what you want, rather than to my own guidance, then I’m not tuned in , tapped in , turned on and I have nothing to give. I love you so much I don’t care what you think.
Or, love you so much, I must tune to the Source within me. I can’t tune to the Source within me and what you want at the same time. Don’t make me choose between alignment with Source and what you think you want in this moment. If you will allow me, or whether you do or not, to align with who I am , then I can shine the energy of Source upon you and you will thrive. If you convince me that I should cater to you rather than align with who I am, then I’ll be out here on the raw and ragged edge with you and we’ll just fight it out and blame each other for how bad we feel. I love you so much, I don’t care how you think.
When you get there and can deliver that with a straight face, you’ll have it. It goes like this. I love you so much I don’t care what you think. “What do you mean?” Well, you think I’m wrong. In order to love you, I must know that I am Source. I can’t know that I’m Source and know that I’m wrong at the same time. In order to love you, I have to be in alignment with Source. When I’m in alignment with Source, I don’t care what you think. In other words, it’s solid. It’s hard to get others to hear it. You know how irrational people are when they are in the raw and ragged edge. You can’t get sick enough to help sick people get well. Yet, you think you can get disconnected enough to help disconnected people be connected. And you can’t. You can only help people align with Source, from your vantage point of being aligned with Source. You can’t be aligned with Source and catering to what they think at the same time.
Maybe there are other words that would be better. I love you so much I don’t care how you think. That’s our first choice. I see you as you really are, not as you are being in this moment. I know the power of your being and I know the reason you are so upset right now is because right now you are not allowing yourself to be the brilliant, beautiful tuned in, tapped in, turned on person that I fell in love with to begin with. If you don’t mind, I’m going to go away and I’m going to hold the thought of who you really are rather than wallow with you in this disconnected state. Getting better. How about this? I’ve seen you in your alignment and I’ve seen you not in your alignment and I like you best when you are in your alignment. When I am in my alignment, it doesn’t matter. That’s good too. When I’m tuned in, tapped in, turned on, you can be any way you want to be, because my love for you is unconditional. I am no longer going to hold you responsible for how I feel. I’m in charge of how I feel. What freedom. I so know that that I don’t have to ask the same back from you. That was good too.
I’m so good at unconditional love, that I don’t need you to know how to do it. Think about what we are saying here. I’m tuned in, tapped in, turned on. I’ve thriving no matter what you do. You’re not the boss of me. I am . I have the ability to align with Source, regardless of the conditions that surround me. I get unconditional love.
You get it that you are Source energy in physical bodies. You get it that you have come here with purpose and that purpose is joyous expansion. You never get it done and you can’t get it wrong because you never get it done. In the feeling of wrongness you are giving birth to an opinion of what would be righter. The Source within you so trusts your opinion of what would be better for you that the Source within you embraces that idea completely and becomes the vibrational equivalent to it and holds steady there until you find your way there. There is a deliciousness of releasing resistance through what you call your death experience. You can also release resistance through meditation, quieting the mind, appreciation. You have to be somewhere in the vibrational vicinity of appreciation to release resistance. With every feeling of relief that you find, as you make your way up the emotional scale, there is the releasing of resistance. Every effort that you make to release a little resistance, is really worth the effort. In time, because of the vastness and variety of your life, the subjects that are active and alive in your now are enough for you to release all resistance that you have accumulated over a life time. You don’t have to go back and make peace with some wrong doing that happened 20 years ago or 30 years ago or yesterday. You don’t have to go back and fix all of those things. Whatever is active in your vibration now is bringing you current, active, real life poignant, meaningful, now matches. You are attracting vibrational evidence that shows you what you are doing. What you are living and the way it is playing out is your vibrational indicator. What’s going on in your body, is just an indicator of your vibration. What’s happening in your life in terms of relationship is just a vibrational indicator, the money in your bank account, is just a vibrational indicator. Everything that is manifested. The car that you are driving, the house that you are living in, the clothes that you are wearing, The condition of your body. Everything about your life is a vibrational indicator. Those indications are being shown to you all day , every day , in the emotion that you feel. If you leave here, with one decision within you, and it goes like this, I now understand the importance of recognizing how I feel, I do care about feeling as good as I can feel about that and that and that. Say somebody you love tells you a lie and it hits you hard. You think, they shouldn’t lie to me, they should trust me more. I wish they wouldn’t lie. Then you try to wrestle them to the ground to figure out why they are lying. You try to figure out where the lie started. The motive of the lying. All you do is get yourself in a scramble. You can’t begin to understand it or to sort it out. You can recognize that your attention to this subject is causing you discomfort right here and right now. You could choose a better feeling thought.
When you think, this is a person that I really love and it really doesn’t matter what they are doing. It only matters how I feel about them. I need not ask them to behave in certain ways in order to love them because I am one who offers unconditional love. As you work your way through issue after issue with person after person and subject after subject, before you know it, within one or two or three days , certainly within 4 or 5 and absolutely within 30 you will have had enough real life experiences show you the vibrational evidence of what is going on with your vibration that you can clean it all up. By clean it up, we mean, find a better feeling thought, find a better feeling thought, find a better feeling thought. Do you know that you are 30 days or less from being a vibrational match to the Source that is really you , to the reason that you were born, to the living of the joyous life experience that you have come to live, to being the vibrational match to what is in your vibrational escrow? Do you know how close you are in terms of time to have everything , so far, that life has caused you to want? It’s such a short distance. It just requires some caring about how you feel and a willingness to deliberately move yourself up the emotional scale. Back into vibrational alignment with who you really are. As you do that, you’ll see the world a little more, through the eyes of Source. You will then revel in your Beingness and that of others and you will feel pride and worth beyond physical description. You will begin to express to others that I have come forth with great reason, for joyous expansion and I wish that for all. There is great love here for you.
Taken from Abraham Hicks Workshop 3/2008 Phoenix
Unconditional love is staying in the vibration of Source, regardless of the condition. Conditional love says “ I want to feel good. When I see this I do, when I see that I don’t, so in order for me to feel better, the condition has to change.” Unconditional love says “ I am Source. I am Love, regardless of the conditions. That’s why man translates that to say that God is Love or God loves all. You are all reaching for Unconditional love. You want to be tuned in , tapped in, turned on to who you are and living in this world. It’s the best of everything. To be in this world, mixing it up, getting new ideas, coming into alignment with it. The only freedom you will ever find is the freedom from the bondage of resistance. What resistance is , is not allowing yourself to be who you really are. All pain and suffering is about diverging from who you really are. All joy and alignment is about coming into frequency with who you really are. Love is the absence of resistance. Love is vibrational alignment with that which is Source. Unconditional love is vibrational alignment with Source, even when there is something that I don’t want happening. I am so aware of the permeating well-being of this Universe that even in death, you come back into full vibrational alignment. The worst thing that can ever happen to anyone is that they get out of range of Source, so they can’t feel Source, but that doesn’t mean that Source ceases beaming, it always is, it means they are on a frequency where they can’t see it or feel it.
“What words can you offer us, to allow us to put how we feel above what others are thinking or doing in relation to us?”
I love you so much I don’t care what you think.
Think about what that is saying. I so care about being in vibrational alignment with who I am. If I am in vibrational alignment with who I am, then I have love to give. If I am catering to what you want, rather than to my own guidance, then I’m not tuned in , tapped in , turned on and I have nothing to give. I love you so much I don’t care what you think.
Or, love you so much, I must tune to the Source within me. I can’t tune to the Source within me and what you want at the same time. Don’t make me choose between alignment with Source and what you think you want in this moment. If you will allow me, or whether you do or not, to align with who I am , then I can shine the energy of Source upon you and you will thrive. If you convince me that I should cater to you rather than align with who I am, then I’ll be out here on the raw and ragged edge with you and we’ll just fight it out and blame each other for how bad we feel. I love you so much, I don’t care how you think.
When you get there and can deliver that with a straight face, you’ll have it. It goes like this. I love you so much I don’t care what you think. “What do you mean?” Well, you think I’m wrong. In order to love you, I must know that I am Source. I can’t know that I’m Source and know that I’m wrong at the same time. In order to love you, I have to be in alignment with Source. When I’m in alignment with Source, I don’t care what you think. In other words, it’s solid. It’s hard to get others to hear it. You know how irrational people are when they are in the raw and ragged edge. You can’t get sick enough to help sick people get well. Yet, you think you can get disconnected enough to help disconnected people be connected. And you can’t. You can only help people align with Source, from your vantage point of being aligned with Source. You can’t be aligned with Source and catering to what they think at the same time.
Maybe there are other words that would be better. I love you so much I don’t care how you think. That’s our first choice. I see you as you really are, not as you are being in this moment. I know the power of your being and I know the reason you are so upset right now is because right now you are not allowing yourself to be the brilliant, beautiful tuned in, tapped in, turned on person that I fell in love with to begin with. If you don’t mind, I’m going to go away and I’m going to hold the thought of who you really are rather than wallow with you in this disconnected state. Getting better. How about this? I’ve seen you in your alignment and I’ve seen you not in your alignment and I like you best when you are in your alignment. When I am in my alignment, it doesn’t matter. That’s good too. When I’m tuned in, tapped in, turned on, you can be any way you want to be, because my love for you is unconditional. I am no longer going to hold you responsible for how I feel. I’m in charge of how I feel. What freedom. I so know that that I don’t have to ask the same back from you. That was good too.
I’m so good at unconditional love, that I don’t need you to know how to do it. Think about what we are saying here. I’m tuned in, tapped in, turned on. I’ve thriving no matter what you do. You’re not the boss of me. I am . I have the ability to align with Source, regardless of the conditions that surround me. I get unconditional love.
You get it that you are Source energy in physical bodies. You get it that you have come here with purpose and that purpose is joyous expansion. You never get it done and you can’t get it wrong because you never get it done. In the feeling of wrongness you are giving birth to an opinion of what would be righter. The Source within you so trusts your opinion of what would be better for you that the Source within you embraces that idea completely and becomes the vibrational equivalent to it and holds steady there until you find your way there. There is a deliciousness of releasing resistance through what you call your death experience. You can also release resistance through meditation, quieting the mind, appreciation. You have to be somewhere in the vibrational vicinity of appreciation to release resistance. With every feeling of relief that you find, as you make your way up the emotional scale, there is the releasing of resistance. Every effort that you make to release a little resistance, is really worth the effort. In time, because of the vastness and variety of your life, the subjects that are active and alive in your now are enough for you to release all resistance that you have accumulated over a life time. You don’t have to go back and make peace with some wrong doing that happened 20 years ago or 30 years ago or yesterday. You don’t have to go back and fix all of those things. Whatever is active in your vibration now is bringing you current, active, real life poignant, meaningful, now matches. You are attracting vibrational evidence that shows you what you are doing. What you are living and the way it is playing out is your vibrational indicator. What’s going on in your body, is just an indicator of your vibration. What’s happening in your life in terms of relationship is just a vibrational indicator, the money in your bank account, is just a vibrational indicator. Everything that is manifested. The car that you are driving, the house that you are living in, the clothes that you are wearing, The condition of your body. Everything about your life is a vibrational indicator. Those indications are being shown to you all day , every day , in the emotion that you feel. If you leave here, with one decision within you, and it goes like this, I now understand the importance of recognizing how I feel, I do care about feeling as good as I can feel about that and that and that. Say somebody you love tells you a lie and it hits you hard. You think, they shouldn’t lie to me, they should trust me more. I wish they wouldn’t lie. Then you try to wrestle them to the ground to figure out why they are lying. You try to figure out where the lie started. The motive of the lying. All you do is get yourself in a scramble. You can’t begin to understand it or to sort it out. You can recognize that your attention to this subject is causing you discomfort right here and right now. You could choose a better feeling thought.
When you think, this is a person that I really love and it really doesn’t matter what they are doing. It only matters how I feel about them. I need not ask them to behave in certain ways in order to love them because I am one who offers unconditional love. As you work your way through issue after issue with person after person and subject after subject, before you know it, within one or two or three days , certainly within 4 or 5 and absolutely within 30 you will have had enough real life experiences show you the vibrational evidence of what is going on with your vibration that you can clean it all up. By clean it up, we mean, find a better feeling thought, find a better feeling thought, find a better feeling thought. Do you know that you are 30 days or less from being a vibrational match to the Source that is really you , to the reason that you were born, to the living of the joyous life experience that you have come to live, to being the vibrational match to what is in your vibrational escrow? Do you know how close you are in terms of time to have everything , so far, that life has caused you to want? It’s such a short distance. It just requires some caring about how you feel and a willingness to deliberately move yourself up the emotional scale. Back into vibrational alignment with who you really are. As you do that, you’ll see the world a little more, through the eyes of Source. You will then revel in your Beingness and that of others and you will feel pride and worth beyond physical description. You will begin to express to others that I have come forth with great reason, for joyous expansion and I wish that for all. There is great love here for you.
Taken from Abraham Hicks Workshop 3/2008 Phoenix
Friday, April 17, 2009
Your body is always talking to you. It has a loud voice. It says things like "I'm tense," "I can't breath," or " I don't have enough energy to cope." You can't help listening, and you can't help feeling the tension mount.
Whenever you listen to your body speaks .. you need to be relax and focus on which part of your body is feeling the tension, focus some energy to it and soon things will get better. Sounds easy? Well you need to be calm to do that.
Have you ever realise that only when you are calm you can:-
1) Make good decisions
2) You are relax
3) Life look simpler
4) Harmonised with nature
5) You are happy
6) Focus
7) Ever knowing
well the list can do on & on .. all are just about the good stuff .. well only when you are calm.
What is calmness? This was taken from Wikipedia:
Calmness is a mental state wherein the mind is not turbulent, but open and reflective. No emotions are agitating the mind and no insistent train of thought is disturbing the mind. Calmness can most easily occur for the average person during a state of relaxation, but it can also be found during much more alert and aware states. Some people find that focusing the mind on something external, or even internal, such as the breathing, can itself be very calming. Calmness is a quality that can be cultivated and increased with practice. It usually takes a trained mind to stay calm in the face of a great deal of different stimulation, and possible distractions, especially emotional ones. The negative emotions are the greatest challenge to someone who is attempting to cultivate a calm mind. Some disciplines that promote and develop calmness are yoga, relaxation training, breath training, and meditation practices. In religion we pray, we fast and we recite .. these all are part of developing calmness.
This is just base on my own experience .. developing calmness starts with breathing ..
I was reading this book -- Daily Relaxer - Matthew McKay
interesting on how easy getting yourself calm any time of the day, anywhere. I shall elobarate more on that particular book as it seems to be interesting simple for anyone to do.
Part One: Relaxing your body:
Part 2: Calm your mind:
These are just few stuff that I hope can help you in getting a calmer life. All are just still on the basics, I do hope that you guys will venture and go deeper. Have a nice meditation. Maybe I will try to relate Muslim's rituals to calmness someday as it can lead to debatable topic.
Whenever you listen to your body speaks .. you need to be relax and focus on which part of your body is feeling the tension, focus some energy to it and soon things will get better. Sounds easy? Well you need to be calm to do that.
Have you ever realise that only when you are calm you can:-
1) Make good decisions
2) You are relax
3) Life look simpler
4) Harmonised with nature
5) You are happy
6) Focus
7) Ever knowing
well the list can do on & on .. all are just about the good stuff .. well only when you are calm.
What is calmness? This was taken from Wikipedia:
Calmness is a mental state wherein the mind is not turbulent, but open and reflective. No emotions are agitating the mind and no insistent train of thought is disturbing the mind. Calmness can most easily occur for the average person during a state of relaxation, but it can also be found during much more alert and aware states. Some people find that focusing the mind on something external, or even internal, such as the breathing, can itself be very calming. Calmness is a quality that can be cultivated and increased with practice. It usually takes a trained mind to stay calm in the face of a great deal of different stimulation, and possible distractions, especially emotional ones. The negative emotions are the greatest challenge to someone who is attempting to cultivate a calm mind. Some disciplines that promote and develop calmness are yoga, relaxation training, breath training, and meditation practices. In religion we pray, we fast and we recite .. these all are part of developing calmness.
This is just base on my own experience .. developing calmness starts with breathing ..
I was reading this book -- Daily Relaxer - Matthew McKay
Part One: Relaxing your body:
- body check-in: as you know that your body speaks to you all the time, you need to take some time off just scan your body from head to toe and admit to whatever uncomfortable feelings that you may have at certain parts of your body and be thankful that your body speaks to you.
- paying attention: the more attention that you put to that particular area well sometimes it may work as long you do not have any self pity over it. Example - You are having a tight shoulder, take a short time out listen to your body on what/why your shoulder is tight and just relax and letting go of that tightness.
- when is it: you need to be aware of where and when you are. Always ask yourself this, "Where is here? When is Now?" Example - you sitting in your office facing the computer but your mind is still at Burger King enjoying Whooper. You are not at the present and some call this as "Monkey Mind" as you neither here nor there.
- breathing techniques: this is the part I like most; well there are several breathing techniques but I shall share you 2 simple ones. The correct way of breathing is through your nose into your stomach, hold it for a second before releasing it. The other is alternating breathing:
- Sit comfortable with a good posture
- Rest the index finger and middle finger of your right hand on your forehead
- Close your right nostril with your thumb
- Inhale slowly and soundlessly through your left nostril
- Close your left nostril with your right finger and simultaneously open your right nostril by removing your thumb
- Exhale slowly and soundlessly and as thoroughly as possible through your right nostril
- Inhale through your right nostril
- Close your right nostril with your thumb and open your left nostril
- Exhale thorugh your left nostril
- Repeat for at least 5 cycles
- conscious eating: most of the time we will rush through our food or distracted. Try doing this, get 15mins to spare, 1st look at the food (lets use an apple as an example), observe the colour and shapes. See the shiny and dull parts of it. Next feel the fruit. Hold it in your hand and sense the weight, the slick surface if the skin, the stiff stem. Now smell the apple, taking in the sweet, slighlty tart fragrance. Notice if your mouth starts to water. Tell yourself at this point what do you feel. Take the 1st bite, notice the texture, the snap as the bite comes loose, the taste, the juiciness. Begin to chew slowly and notice how the taste evolves as you continue to chew. Keep track of how your tounge and teeth work together. Swallow and sense how your neck muscles work. Imagine where the food is going - from your mouth, through your throat, down into your stomach. Tell yourself that you are nourishing your body with good food. Keep on doing this until you feel full and satisfied.
- keep moving: always look forward into life as that is the only way of moving.
Part 2: Calm your mind:
- It's possible that you can learn to relax your body, yet still never achieve true calmness. That's because within 30 seconds, stressful thinking can undo the effects of any relaxation exercise. You must learn to live in the moment, by surrendering your anxious thoughts to moments of peaceful reflection and rythmic breathing. Calming your mind is a necessary step to lasting stress relief.
- I do not see other way of calming your mind .. you need to meditate. There are a lot of Guru that can show you how and even in religion by understanding it fully you will see that the rituals are ways of developing clamness. I like this book on meditation - The Master Key System - Charles F Haanel
as he shows step-by-step weekly exercise that you need to do.
- a simple one that you can use anytime of the day and anywhere is by having that special place. Everyone has that one place where you can escape, where you can be protected from pressure and stress for a while. But sometimes there is no such refuge, That's why you need to create a safe and peaceful place in your imagination, a place you can go any time you need to relax. The key to have this exercise succesful, your imagination is strong enough that you believe you are actually there, your senses can feel the air, touch the water, hear the birds, walking on the grass .. well it could be anything some may call it day dreaming, I call it retrival from it all. But not to do that too often till you not doing any work at all hehehehe. It is a special place, you only go there at times that you really need it. Honour that it is special.
- talk with yourself: if you have nothing to talk just refrain from talking instead listen to yourself and talk with you. Your mind will suggest, will pop out so many things and most are problems related. Be silent, listen to all these problems, acknowledge and detach. Example you need to pay the electricity bill on the 25th every mth, in your mind have a picture of the bill, agree that you need to pay certain amount by the 25th, say 'thankyou' and just let it go with a feeling of knowing that you will pay on the 25th. Once you have detach it, you are not to 'talk' about it in your mind anymore until the 25th.
- be silent: be silent to everything, stop talking and stop listening to everyone and even to your ownself. Just be still close your eyes and be in the dark. You can only see darkness, emptyness and silence. It is good in preparing you for something new.
These are just few stuff that I hope can help you in getting a calmer life. All are just still on the basics, I do hope that you guys will venture and go deeper. Have a nice meditation. Maybe I will try to relate Muslim's rituals to calmness someday as it can lead to debatable topic.
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