Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Now, here is a good place to start... When you were a little child did your mother ever say to you, "Sweetheart, there's not going to be enough Energy Flow?" Didn't come up, did it?

In other words, you haven't learned negative thoughts relative to Energy Flow.

You have learned negative vibrational offerings relative to money. But you have not learned them relative to Energy flow.

So what you're wanting to do is take money out of the equation. Because it's in such a lackful place that putting it in the equation just sort of messes everything up. So take money out of the equation and instead, acknowledge that you have access to a bank account of INFINITE ENERGY FLOW.

Now this Energy Flow will buy you things money won't.
It will buy you wellness
It will buy you exhilaration
It will bring you good experiences
It will bring you relationships
It will bring you fulfillment
It will bring you money, too

It is a Source through which all things and from which all things come.

Pure positive Energy and it streams forth in abundance. And you've got a Gold Card to this account.

The only thing you have to do to access this account with an endless balance is 2 things.

You have to identify an object of attention to which you will flow it. In other words, if you don't use it, it won't come to you. So you have to continually open avenues to which you will flow it by identifying, "I want this, I want this, I want this, I want this".

..And you have to FEEL GOOD when you identify the outlet. As you open that avenue, as you identify that object of attention and you FEEL the positive Energy flowing toward it - now the Energy is flowing...

And we promise you, doors will open that will bring you that. Sometimes the door will be a monetary door, sometimes it will not be. But that does not matter.

Once you've identified it and found the feeling place, it must come to you. It defies the Law of Attraction for it not to come.

Taken from Abraham Hicks San Francisco, CA 2/26/94

Thursday, August 13, 2009


"How can I shorten the time between conscious acknowledgment of what I want and physical manifestation of it? What techniques or things could I offer that would help me to achieve a feeling place that would get more done faster?" Well, there are a few ways you can go about it. If you can recognize that it’s a matter of weight and balance. In other words, “Am I thinking more about what I do want and why I want it, or am I thinking more about what I don’t want and why I don’t want it?” In other words, “Where are my thoughts more often?”

So, through affirmations or through carrying some little pictures in your pocket or through creating a book of positive aspects or through getting around people that are already positively oriented: “I can increase my positive thoughts and decrease my negative thoughts.” In other words, that’s one way of going about it, just by sheer numbers! I can carry a little watch in my pocket that goes off every 15 minutes, and when I hear it, I can stop and say, “Hmm, what do I want and why do I want it?” [You] can sort of consciously begin to develop some new habits. That’s a process that could work very well for you. “I could make a decision that nothing is more important than that I feel good, and then I could trust that my Guidance System would alert me in every moment, to how I’m flowing.” Now, that is really the clearest, simplest way, by just identifying that you want to feel good, which is to say, “I want the pure Energy to flow through me,” which is to say, “I want to notice when it isn’t, because I know what to do when I notice. I just want to notice.”

So, by stating: “I want to feel good,” that amplifies your awareness of where you are vibrating, and that, above all things, is what we would recommend for most of you. In other words, being more sensitive in more moments about how you actually are vibrating, and not hiding behind a smile or hiding behind words and saying, “I feel secure,” when you don’t, or saying, “I’m happy,” when you’re not. In other words, acknowledging truly how you feel and acknowledging what you prefer and working on finding that true feeling place.

One more thing we would like to interject here. All of you are working much too hard at all of this. If you will stop making it an intellectual process and let it be a feeling process, ease will sweep over you almost instantly.

You have done enough wanting to keep yourselves busy for 20 or 30 lifetimes. You have identified enough objects of attention that, we promise you, in the moment you achieve vibrational harmony with who you really are, events will begin to surface that will satisfy you in enough proportion to knock your socks off. In other words, there’s no shortage of wanting, here. What there is a shortage of is vibrationally allowing what you want, because somebody, somewhere along the line, has convinced you that if it’s going to be worthwhile it’s gonna be hard! And we promise you: that belief is what stands in your way more than all other things put together! You can’t quite accept that it’s as easy as Abraham says it is.

So we offer a fun encouragement. You might take it as a sort of assignment or even a challenge! We would encourage, you over the next few days, to decide that you’re going to put yourself on a sort of hiatus from the normal stuff you’ve been doing, and make a decision that you’re going to amplify finding the feeling place, and whether you get anything physically done or not is really not very important. Oh, go through the motions of it! In other words, if they expect you at work, show up. Most of that stuff you could do with your eyes closed, anyway. In other words, most of what you’re doing does not require much conscious attention. Treat your work like you do your driving, because most of you go through the motions of driving, but you’re not giving it your full attention or even anything close to it. You see what we’re getting at? There are a lot of aspects of your day that you can amplify this sense of finding the feeling place. And let the day, as it unfolds, be your workshop.

Let somebody come up to you and say something rude, and feel it sort of knock you off your balance for a moment, and feel yourself wanting to spit something back that makes them feel as bad — but recognizing, “That’s not who I am,” as you find your stance of virtue. And then, feel yourself blaming them because they should know better, for just a moment, and then, in all of that negative emotion, say, “Aah, this is good. My Guidance System is working. I can feel, that right now, with their help, I am looking right at what I don’t want. I’m seeing another example of man’s inhumanity to man, or I’m seeing another example of somebody who wants to be connected, who isn’t, or I’m seeing another example of somebody who means well, who just doesn’t know how to go about it.” In other words, find the feeling place and discover that if you will give the other guy the benefit of the doubt by not tensing against him, but instead say, “I wonder who kicked him that’s making him want to kick me? I guess I WON’T join this chain-of-pain.” And look back at him with sort of an understanding and even an appreciation, rather than a resistance. You will see, even in your first encounter, a different look come back to you! Because when somebody comes after you with some sort of negative Energy flow, and you don’t meet it with yours, which causes it to go somewhere, if they come after you and you just relax into your Well-being, their negative Energy doesn’t have anyplace to go, and they’re sort of left there with their mouth hanging open. It’s sort of like pushing against a wall that isn’t there. It will cause them to stand back and rethink, you see. And you will begin your first conscious, deliberate making of this world a better place, not because it needs it, because at every level, you know that it already is it, you see.

Is this making some sense to you?

As you let your day be your workshop, get out there in the traffic and, as you see it clogged and jammed, and you feel the disconnection of it, see that you might be able to do something about that. So tonight, while you’re bogged down in traffic, envision tomorrow… finding a new route…envision finding a route that is free…envision traffic flowing…envision lights changing…envision officers assisting…envision people yielding…envision you in traffic flowing…not understanding WHY but, sort of taking delight that the seas are parting for you! And, as you utilize your first negative moment and you shift it into a place of feeling good, the first thing that will happen is that you won’t be feeling so much negative emotion right now [even] while you’re in the traffic jam! Even though you should be feeling negative emotion, by all standards, you won’t be feeling negative emotion. And so, as you find that feeling place, you’ve eased the way you feel about the traffic. Even though it’s slow, and even though you’d like to be home, now’s not so bad. In other words, “I actually have a few moments that I can think. I can actually use this as an opportunity to create.” You might even find yourself looking for traffic jams because it gives you an excuse to think, you see! You find yourself relaxing into whatever is happening, while you are improving what will happen tomorrow, and then, this is the part we look forward to the most: there is nothing more exhilarating for us than to watch you consciously living the physical manifestation of what you deliberately conjured yesterday.

When we see you making the connection and living the improvement, which confirms to you that the Energy flowing that you offered did, indeed, do what we said it would do and did, indeed, empower you the way you wanted it to and did, indeed, improve life in the way you meant for it to and - even more importantly - you realize that in the moment of doing it, you are already there, then you’ve captured the spirit of joyful becoming! And then, never again will you be in the place of yearning for something you can’t have. You will only be salivating for that which is sure to come.

The word ‘hope’ feels good, doesn’t it? The word ‘adventure’ feels good, doesn’t it? The feeling, ‘fulfilling my dream’, ‘satisfying experience’, ‘living happily ever after’, ‘making the world a better place’, ‘feeling happy in the moment’…what does the word ‘laughter’ make you feel?

“Oh, it was so funny I could not stop laughing.” “I laughed and laughed until tears washed away my eyelashes.” “That was the funniest thing I ever saw.” “The combination of knowing what I know and seeing that, evoked such humor from me that every time I think about it I still laugh.” “It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.” “Took my breath away.” “Every time I think about it I go right back to that same feeling place.” “It was the cutest little dog I have ever seen! He licked my face. I can still feel him up against my face.” “I picked up that baby and my heart melted. It was as if we were one.” “I remember our first kiss…fireworks!” “I love this bed. I love this feeling of Well-being! I love my pillow.” “I love my car.” “Post office is amazing, isn’t it? You can take a piece of paper and lick a little stamp and somebody will go to the trouble of taking your message to someone else.” “Computers are amazing.” “Electricity flows.” “Prosperity abounds.” “Commerce is thriving.” “People’s wanting is heightened.” “More people opening to more Energy.” “Abundance abounding!” “I don’t have to lay awake in bed at night and keep my blood flowing.” “I am tended to at such a spectacular, intense, deliberate, particular, poignant, positive level!” “The earth spins in its orbit in perfect proximity to other planets.” “The water content remains perfect upon our planet.” “The oxygen remains perfect for us to breathe.” “The plants continue to regenerate.” “Food upon this planet is a sure thing.” “Well-being truly does abound, doesn’t it?”

And, as you begin to poignantly choose those thoughts first, your point of attraction will preclude anything other than wonderful things. You will literally achieve vibrational immunity to what you don’t want and vibrational harmony with what you do want. And in doing so, you are your Inner Being. You know who your Inner Being is, on a very conscious, clear, tangible feeling, knowing, sensing, smelling, snorting level.

Have fun with all of this!

Taken from Abraham Hicks Los Angeles, CA 03-12/13-94