Something that we just can't let go off .. everyday there will be something bothering us and darn we hate it so much. I have been talking a lot about Law of Attraction .. you attract things that you think about and yah bad things still comes to you although you do not want to think about. Some may say; "How am I not to think about DEBT .. hey the banks keep on calling me, I get wonderful love letters from them .. HOW HOW!!" Sick isn't it .. you wanna be positive but the world is just not helping. Switch on the news, they will talk about financial breakdown, Harian Metro well I do not need to say much about it, over teh tarik with friends will talk about their family/financial problems .. just can't run away from it all huh.
All these negativity you are not to resist it .. "Resist It Persist" the more you say NO to it .. the more it will just keep on coming back. This is a good book that I recommend you to read,
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie
. In his book .. he gave lots of daily experiences that he met along his journey .. well from all the stories I came to a conclusion that negativity is actually something good for us to have if we realise it as :-
- We tend to be grateful for what we already have
- We know what was the mistakes that we did in the past
- We start to understand how our mind works .. the weak links
- We know where we are standing
- About check and balance .. what are we focusing at
- Making us realise that we are still human
- Seeking the power of intention
- Seeking the Source, God
Negativity is something that need to be understood and accepted. Yes need to be accepted, else you just keep on living in denial. This is where the power of will comes into play .. that willing to detach your thoughts from being influence by those negativities. Before going into detachment lets understand on how to accept negativity.
Accepting negativity .. you just have to be cold towards this .. accept without having any feelings towards it, just know that it is there that problem and be glad it exsist. To clear it from your thoughts do EFT .. I recommend you to do these videos:
- when you feel stress
- do this upon waking up
- do this upon coming back from work
- about the current world issue
As I have brief earlier about EFT .. it such a powerful tool which everyone can use it. It will be much better if you do into deeper .. that is understanding and listening to your innerself. Well this you need to meditate .. I do recommend Vipassana Meditation but praying is another way of meditation well if you do it right. When I mean by doing it right, by focusing to The Source and ignoring everything else surrounding you, listening to your own thoughts without processing it .. just accept as it is. Mmmmpphh sounds kindda hard .. it is not with a bit of practise and consistent you can get it.
Master Key System by Charles Haanel
is a step by step guide into meditation .. do not worry has nothing to do with Religion.
Accepting negativity as it is .. well that's the key .. and knowing that the universe is shaping to make things better, FAITH well that is a strong word .. Faith that it is happening as you are reading this. Believing that you have all the power and desire making it a reality. That reality has to be in your mind .. now .. be happy, joyful, thankful NOW things are working out well for you.
You manage to do this .. well you just manage to detach yourself from that negative thoughts. Detachment and never resist as RESIST PERSIST .. the more you saying to yourself I am not having this problem (Debt or Anger for example) well you are telling to the universe to The Source .. I am having it and wanting it more. State of Denial that is what you are and not until you can break free from it .. well your life is just going on a repeatition mode.
For this post please do read these books as it will guide you further:
- Practicing the Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

- How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie

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