Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Well you are right as that is what you wish to accept.
It is the power of choices, your will power of accepting what you want to accept. About natural disaster, instead of looking at the world is coming to doom, turn it around, look at another angle. Be thankful that the world is reacting to our mistakes of not taking good care of it, as a wake up call and as an individual you have the power to make a change. Start recycling. That creates a new positive energy. What about economic crisis, be thankful it is happening, shows that the world needs to restructure the current economic planning, and yes you too can start with your own budgetting, your housewhole economic planning.
The power is within you just to switch your thoughts. EGO that is something well you have to control it .. not it controlling you. Ego creates Fear, Anger, Selfish, Arrogant ..... and these creates who you are today.
SO Who Are You?
Monday, November 17, 2008
All these negativity you are not to resist it .. "Resist It Persist" the more you say NO to it .. the more it will just keep on coming back. This is a good book that I recommend you to read, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie
- We tend to be grateful for what we already have
- We know what was the mistakes that we did in the past
- We start to understand how our mind works .. the weak links
- We know where we are standing
- About check and balance .. what are we focusing at
- Making us realise that we are still human
- Seeking the power of intention
- Seeking the Source, God
Accepting negativity .. you just have to be cold towards this .. accept without having any feelings towards it, just know that it is there that problem and be glad it exsist. To clear it from your thoughts do EFT .. I recommend you to do these videos:
- when you feel stress
- do this upon waking up
- do this upon coming back from work
- about the current world issue
Accepting negativity as it is .. well that's the key .. and knowing that the universe is shaping to make things better, FAITH well that is a strong word .. Faith that it is happening as you are reading this. Believing that you have all the power and desire making it a reality. That reality has to be in your mind .. now .. be happy, joyful, thankful NOW things are working out well for you.
You manage to do this .. well you just manage to detach yourself from that negative thoughts. Detachment and never resist as RESIST PERSIST .. the more you saying to yourself I am not having this problem (Debt or Anger for example) well you are telling to the universe to The Source .. I am having it and wanting it more. State of Denial that is what you are and not until you can break free from it .. well your life is just going on a repeatition mode.
For this post please do read these books as it will guide you further:
Friday, October 31, 2008
On average we do have to agree that the best way to identify if one is having a better life can be measure by the wealth that he is earning. As what being mentioned earlier wealth is about total wealth; money, love, health etc. The easiest to measure will be money and to that QMP uses this to evaluate the understanding of our members in implementing The Law of Attraction. At the same time QMP is about creating a power circle in which all members have the opportunity to access and work with.
This is the structure, the stages QMP has laid down for all members to follow:-
- Power circle; is the most important thing to have as this create the right environment for all members to be in. To be rich you have to be with the rich; to be poor just remain with them that are poor. All about the energy transfer between us; some may known it as aura. We will go into more detail how everyone can get involve in enlarging the group and at the same time get rewarded for it; yes we intend to make you richer as that is how QMP measure the level of understanding among the members.
- Investment; this will be the next step as it requires a higher mind strength and capital. Among the investment that QMP has identified are properties, forex and share market as we have 'Gurus' that can guide us.
- Your Dream Business; with all the knowledge that you have gain, with the capital that you have build and the networking of specialist that you help created .. use all these in creating the dream business that you have been desiring.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The simplest is by living a life to do things of what others suggested us to do by their opinions, by trusting that they have gone through it and succeeded. How we dress, how we eat, how we talk, how we think, how we behave etc and all these became our behaviour and a way of life in which it was once someone else. We are losing our own identity and as we can see today there are lots of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Will Smith, Tupac wanna be .. well directly or indirectly we are influenced by all these superstars.
When it comes to living by principles, it is a bit hard working well you first need to know who are you, what are your like and dislike, how strong is your faith in yourself even in God to see it through, can you accept to think/behave differently then others, are you sure with yourself and how strong is your mindset. You create your own life, your own identity and your own destiny.
Opinions : -
- A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.
- A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert.
- A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing.
- The prevailing view.
- A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.
An example: I did very well in Maths during my school days and to that people around me been expressing their opinions that I would be very good in Electrical/Electronics Engineering and somehow I tend to agree with the idea but deep inside then I was keen to go into business school. Well I manage to get through college and university and that was it. My first job was with an oil&gas company and I never been in the electronics industry .. except of diy at home. Well now I am in this industry of coaching and I am enjoying it much. If only I had follow my heart and decided to attend business school I might have discovered my passion long long time ago instead of going through numbers of work that I do not enjoy doing. If only I had principles, if only I have followed my heart.
- an accepted or professed rule of action or conducts.
- a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived.
- a personal or specific basis of conduct or management
- an adopted rule or method for application in action
- a determining characteristic of something; essential quality.
- an actuating agency in the mind or character, as an instinct, faculty, or natural tendency
An example: When we started this group QMP, well many did say it is something can't be done, we are not doctors having PHD etc, our life at one point was doomed to hell and we were not even religious scholars. These are among the few opinions that we received but we ignore it all. It was more of our intention, of our desire, of our principles that leads to where we are today. The knowledge keeps on coming The Secret, Science of Getting Rich, What The @@%^@^, Master Key System, Emotional Freedom Techniques and so on so on just never stops and we are grateful for it all. All these knowledge are basically free and it is so easy that you do not need to be a rocket scientist to make it work. When we work within our principles, the results are just something that we have expected and these made us understood about who we are and the mission that we need to carry out in this life.
Opinions yes we do need as it open up more into understanding the principles of your own life. It is a balance of mind, body and soul agreeing to the opinion and making it as a principle that work for you. The discovering of that principle we tend to ignore which made us just another person, nothing special, living day to day life and just counting the days for this life to end.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Intention when is you are inspired is from the word in-spirited - the feeling of Spirit working through you, that inner burning desire. When this happens our creativity, intelligence and imagination interact with the energy field of intention, which then this energy field is being shared by the universe and nature comes into play, nature never err. What should we do to gain this:-
- To realise your desires, match them with your inner speech. Keep all inner talk focused on good reports and good results. Your inner speech mirrors your imagination, and your imagination is your connecting link to the Spirit.
- Think from the end. That is, assume within yourself the feeling of the wish being fulfilled and keep this vision regardless of obstacles that emerges, Eventually you'll act on this end thinking and the Universe will collaborate with you.
- To reach a state of impeccability, you need to practice unbending intent. This will match you up with the unbending intent of all-creative universal mind. There's nothing that can keep me away form that intention being fulfilled. My unbending intent won't allow for anything but its completion to be expressed.
- Copy the seven faces of intention on your mind. Creative, Kind, Loving, Beautiful, Expanding, Abundant and Receptive. Put it on a card, to serve as reminders that you must look at everyday.
- Always keep the thought of God's abundance in your mind. If any other thought comes, replace it with that of God's abundance. Remind yourself everyday that the universe can't be miserly; it can't be wanting. It hold nothing but abundance, "God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance."
"Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so? He replied, 'All poets believe that is does. And in ages of imagination, this firm persuasion removed mountains; But many are not capable of a firm persuasion of anything.'" - from William Blake
Create a game with your inner speech - Match or No Match?
No match : I don't have enough money
Match : I intend to attract unlimited abundance into my life
No match : My partner is grouchy and boring
Match : I intend to focus on thoughts on what I love about my partner
No match : I hate this place we're living in
Match : I can see our new home in my mind and I intend to be living in it soon
No match : I dislike the work I'm doing and the fact I'm not appreciated
Match : I'll act upon my inner intuitive impulses to create the work or job of my dreams ..
Well you have the idea by now... You must learn to assume responsibility for the circumstances of your life without any accompanying guilt. Make a shift and catch yourself when you're focusing on what always has been, and move your inner speech to what you intend to manifest. The match items reflect a rapport with the originating Spirit. The no match statements represent interference that you've constructed to keep you away from matching up with intention.
We are living the way others want us to live. Inner dialogue that commiserates about the manipulative expectations of others ensures that this kind of conduct continues to flow into your life. Removing the obstacle means that you decide to shift your inner speech to what you intend to create and attract into your life. you must do this with unswerving intent, and commitment to not giving mental energy to what others feel about how you live your life.
Play the matching game and see how close are you matching with your intention.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Is that possible to have a perfect life in heaven here on earth? I guess that will be your next question. It is possible as that is what God trying to tell us in His Books (I use Al Quran as I am a Muslim and reads it more) .. Al Quran 3:110 'You are created the best for mankind...", well if God says you are the best, what would that mean? HE wants you to be wealthy but why are you not? Who is to blame? Still God, for not giving all the wealth to you? Or it is you? Mmmpphhh what could you been doing wrong all these while? Yes you pray 5 times a day, you fast during Ramadhan, you did all that you know what you suppose to do .. still you are still like this! It does not seems fair .. but God is the fairest of all and HE been giving all that you been asking for either good or bad. Opps did you been asking for bad things?
When did you ask for bad things? Let us take a journey on a normal person life and see what have he been saying:
Everytime one wakes up
- Darn I have to go to work
- Darn my hot shower is not working
- Darn I forget to iron my favourite shirt
- Darn I am gonna be late
- Darn my work has yet to be completed
- Darn everyone is having their holidays while I have to work
- Darn do I need to get up, I only sleep like 3 hours
- Darn the traffic is horrible
- Darn my fuel is running low
- Darn I won't have enough cash till end of the month
- Darn today my boss gonna scream at me
- Darn look at those drivers .. bastards .. are they blind .. hey someone is using the road too
- Darn it is raining I am gonna get myself wet
- Darn no parking for me .. I have to walk .. it is far
- Darn so much work
- Darn do my boss have to pick on me everytime
- Darn I yet to eat breakfast now I have to attend a meeting
- Darn he is boss favourite employee that's why he is relax
- Darn I hate my job
- Darn I work so hard and I get the least pay
- Darn I am a robot while my boss plays golf
- Darn what a tiring day it is
- Darn I have to cook .. I am tired ok
- Darn look at the laundry maybe I send it my mother's
- Darn my love is too busy working has no time to be with me
- Darn there is nothing on the tv and I have to pay a handful for it
- Darn I forget to call Mum .. it is her birthday
- Darn it is only Monday .. 4 more days of slavery
- Darn look at all these mails from the banks .. how am I to pay of all my debts
It is not more about what you ask but it is more about what do you feel about life. If you feel sad, then you get sadness, if you fell happy then you get happiness, if you feel angry then you get anger, if you fell poor then you be poor, if you feel wealthy then you be wealthy etc.. AQ 2:225 "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts; and He is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing." The intention, the feeling, the thing in your heart is what counts, is what HE listens to.
Always listen to what your heart is saying, that is the 1st step into getting wealth as that is what God listens to. It does not limit only to dollar and cent but it is to everything, relationship, environment, situation etc. Sounds easy? Next we will go deeper into listening to yourself.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
2) Just for today I will try to adjust myself to what is, and not to try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my family, my business and mu luck as they come and fit myself to them.
3) Just for today I will take care of my body. I will exercise it, care for it, nourish it, not abuse it nor neglect it, so that it will be a perfect machine for my bidding.
4) Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.
5) Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways; I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out. I will do at least two things that I don't want to do, as William James suggest, just for exercise.
6) Just for today I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress as becomingly as possible, talk low, act courteously, be liberal with praise, criticise not at all, nor find fault with anything and not try to regulate nor improve anyone.
7) Just for today I will try to live through this day only, not to tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do things fot twelve hours that would appall me if I had to keep them up for a lifetime.
8) Just for today I will have a programme. I will write down what I expect to do every hour. i may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. It will eliminate two pests, hurry and indecision.
9) Just for today I will have a quite half-hour all by myself and relax. In this half-hour , I will think of God, I will meditate, as to get a little more perspective into my life.
10) Just for today I will be unafraid, especially I will not be afraid to be happy, to enjoy what is beautiful, to love, and to believe that those I love, love me.
Just for today .. how are u???
Gratitude, appreciation, or thankfulness is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.
In a religious context, gratitude can also refer to a feeling of indebtedness towards a deity. Most religions prescribe rituals of thanksgiving towards their higher powers; the expression of gratitude to God is a central theme of Islam and Christianity.
Psychological research has demonstrated that individuals are more likely to experience gratitude when they receive a favor that is perceived to be (1) valued by the recipient, (2) costly to the benefactor, (3) given by the benefactor with benevolent intentions, and (4) given gratuitously (rather than out of role-based obligations). Individuals who are induced to feel grateful are more likely to behave prosocially toward their benefactor or toward unrelated others.
Research has also suggested that feelings of gratitude may be beneficial to subjective emotional well-being In people who are grateful in general, life events have little influence on experienced gratitude. Although gratitude is something that anyone can experience, some people seem to feel grateful more often than others. People who tend to experience gratitude more frequently than do others also tend to be happier, more helpful and forgiving, and less depressed than their less grateful counterparts.
From a Buddhist point of view, the Pali word which we translate in English as gratitude is katannuta. The word katannuta consists of two parts: kata which means that which has been done, especially that which has been done to one, to oneself, and annuta which means knowing or recognising. So katannuta means knowing or recognizing what has been done to one, that is to say knowing and recognising what has been done to one for one's benefit. Hence the connotation of the Pali word is rather different from its English equivalent. The connotation of the English gratitude is rather more emotional (we feel gratitude, feel grateful, etc.) but the connotation of katannuta is rather more intellectual, more cognitive. It makes it clear that what we call gratitude involves an element of knowledge - knowledge of what has been done to us or for us for our benefit. If we do not know that something has benefited us, we will not feel gratitude. Yet, interesting enough many people regard gratitude as a part of life not part of the human body or soul which many buddhists related to on their way to find enlightenment, not only of the body but also of the mind.
To put it simple Gratitude is just to say thank you to everything; things that you see, touch, listen, feel, experience, meet, think about, good or bad, everything .. you feel thankful for it.We as so used with this live, we tend to forget to feel thankful when:
1) Wake up in the morning and to know that we are still alive and well.
2) The air that we are breathing everyday and has never end.
3) The earth that gives life to us.
4) The sky, the moon, the sun.
5) The rain that falls and provides water
6) The flowers that blooms infront of our house
7) A healthy body
8) ...Well I guess you got the idea that too many things we tend to neglect .. take things for granted.. be continue..
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a group of powerful processes that can help just about anyone to achieve genuine freedom from the emotions that have created problems in their lives. These techniques have been described by some as one of the most important breakthroughs in the area of psychology in this century. They have been used successfully with thousands of people with a broad range of difficulties.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is becoming known to many amazed users as a "modern miracle." It can dramatically relieve emotional disturbances along with many physical symptoms. It often works in minutes, its results are usually long lasting, and side effects are almost always positive.
EFT is versatile and has been used confidently by hundreds of therapists on thousands of clients with successes on even the most difficult problems, by relieving imbalances in their clients' energy systems. Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose have been using it personally and with clients and class participants for over decade, with consistent success.
Understanding how emotional healing with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) works may require an open mind for many people. The effectiveness of EFT only makes sense if it is related to the human energy system. Fortunately, you don't have to believe any of this to receive the positive benefits of using these techniques.
In addition to having a physical body which is fueled by food, we humans also run on an intricate energy system which is fueled by electrical impulses that run through the body. This energy system holds the key to many of the disturbances we experience in our daily lives. When it is out of balance, our emotional life could be compared to a car that is in desperate need of a tune up. The result may take the form of any type of emotional disturbance including phobias, anger, depression, grief, guilt, anxiety, and a full range of fears, to name a few. There may also be physical symptoms like pain, headaches, asthma and tension that are related to the emotions. EFT provides relief from the majority of these disturbances. What is even better is that it often provides relief in minutes and the results are usually long lasting. In fact, it frequently provides relief where other techniques fail and has a high success rate, typically 80% or better.
EFT is based on a revolutionary new discovery that violates most of the beliefs within conventional psychology. It contends that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. With remarkable consistency, EFT relieves symptoms by an unusual (but scientific) routine of tapping with the fingertips on a short series of points on the body that correspond to acupuncture points on the energy meridians. Where there is an imbalance, there is a corresponding blockage in the flow of energy through the meridian system. The tapping serves to release the blockages that are created when a person thinks about or becomes involved in an emotionally disturbing circumstance. When this blockage is released, the emotions come into balance. Once balanced, the person cannot get upset about the circumstance no matter how hard they try. The memory remains but the charge is gone. Typically, the result is lasting and the person's awareness usually changes in a positive way as a natural result of the healing.
Most energetic imbalances may be partially or completely relieved within a short time using this process. Others may be relieved through repetition of the process. Some examples of energetic patterns that have been successfully cleared using EFT:
Fears related to performance like public speaking, concentration, sports, etc.
Phobias like the fear of heights, flying, enclosed spaces, driving, etc.
Emotional trauma from war experiences, physical abuse, etc.
Disturbing emotions like depression and anger.
Emotions related to addictive patterns like eating and smoking
Emotions related to physical conditions.
- Fears that limiting the wealth that is coming to you.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The first step to having wealth is to know what it is. And few people know what it really is, in and of itself. What is wealth? What causes it? What causes the cause of it?
Some men seems to attract success, power, wealth, attainment, with little conscious effort, others conquer with great difficulties, still others fail altogether to reach their ambitions, desires and ideals. Why should some men reliase their ambitions easily, others with difficulty, and still others not at all? The cause cannot be physical, else the most perfect men, physically would be the most successful. The difference therefore, must be mental - must be in the mind; hence mind must be the creative force, must constitute the sole difference between men. It is mind, therefore, which overcomes environment and every obstacle in the path of men.
When creative power of thought is fully understood, its effect will be seen to be marvelous. But such results cannot be secured without proper application, diligence and concentration. He will find that the laws governing in the mental and spiritual world are as fixed and infallible as in the material world. To secure the desired results then it is necessary to know the law and to comply with it. A proper compliance with the law will be found to produce the desired result with the invariable exactitude. that power comes from within, that he is weak only because he has depended on help from outside, and who unhesitatingly throws himself on his own thought, instantly rights himself, stands erect, assumes a dominant attitude and works miracles.
Of course, mind creates negative conditions just as readily as favorable conditions, and when we consciously or unconsciously visualise every kind of lack, limitation and discord, we create these conditions; that is what many are unconsciously doing all the time. "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap."
Our method is based absolute scientific truth and will unfold the possibilities that lie dormant in the individual and teach how they may be brought into the powerful action, to increase the person's effective capacity, bringing added energy, vigor and mental elasticity. He who gains an understanding of the mental laws which are unfolded will come into the possession of an ability to secure results hitherto undreamed of and which has rewards hardly to be expressed in words.
QMP will explain the correct use of both the receptive and active elements of the mental nature and instructs you in the recognition of opportunity; its strengthens the will and reasoning powers, and teaches the cultivation and best uses of imagination, desire, the emotions and the institutional faculty. It gives initiative, tenancity of purpose, wisdom of choice, intelligent sympathy and thorough enjoyment of life on its higher planes.
QMP teaches the use of Mind Power, true Mind Power, not any of the substitutes and perversions; it has nothing to do with Hypnotism, Magic or any of the more or less fascinating deceptions by which many are led to think that something can be had for nothing. QMP cultivates and develops the understanding which will enable you to control the body and thereby the health. It improves and strengthens the Memory. It develops insight, the kind of insight which is so rare, the kind which is the distiguishing characteristic of every successful business man, the kind which enables men to see the possibilities as well as the difficulties in every situation, the kind which enables men to discern opportunity close at hand, for thousands fail to see opportunities almost within their grasp while they are industriously working with situations which under no possibility can be made to realise any substantial return.
We develops insight and sagacity, increased independence and the ability and disposition to be helpful. it destroys distrust, depression, fear, melancholia, and every form of lack and weakness, including pain and disease. It awakens buried talents, supplies initiative, force, energy and vitality. It awakens as appreciation of the beautiful in Art, Literature and Science.
The whole world is on the eve of a new consciousness, a new power and a new realiasation of the resources within the self. "In its ultimate essence, energy may incomprehensible by us except as an exhibition of the direct operation of that which we call Mind or Will," Sir Ambrose Fleming.
Every thought brings into action certain physical tissue, parts of the brain, nerve of muscle. This produces an actual physical change in the construction of the tissues therefore it is only necessary to have a certain number of thoughts on a given subject in order to bring about a complete change in the physical organisation of a man.
Thoughts of courage, power, inspiration, harmony, are substituted for thoughts of failure, despair, lack, limitation and discord, and these thoughts take the root, the physical tissue is changed and the individual sees life in a new light and old things have actually passed away, all things have become new, he is born again, this time born of the spirit, life has a new meaning for him, he is reconstructed and is filled with joy, confidence, hope, energy. He sees opportunity of success to which he was therefore blind. The thought of success with which he has been impregnated are radiated to those around him, and they in turn help him onward and upward; he attracts to him new and successful associates, and this in turn changes his environments; so that by this simple exercise of thoughts, a man changes not only himself, but his environment, circumstances and conditions.
You will see, you must see, that we are at the dawn of a new day; that possibilities are so wonderful, so fascinating, so limitless as to be almost bewildering.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Quantum Mind Project's Vision is to create a Powerfull Power Circle within it's members for expanding network and contacts and creating wealth at the same time.
Quantum Mind Project's Mision is to create, educate and develop the mind of members on how to create wealth the way it's meant to be created. Quantum Mind Project(QMP) will also provide education on other business and investments for it's members.
Your Quantum Leap into the Understanding, Having and Enjoying of
Immense Wealth and Happiness
Your personal guide to Wealth Consciousness. Experience infinite wealth,
abundance and happiness Here, Now, in the new Golden Age of humanity.
Everything you need to be extremely wealthy
There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty. – Wallace D. Wattles.